The North Carolina Coalition for Inclusion, Not Expulsions is a collaborative, dedicated team committed to building a movement toward eliminating racial inequities in suspensions, expulsions and exclusionary practices in early care and education settings.
What we do
We know that when children, families and early childhood professionals have the support and resources they truly need, suspensions, expulsions and exclusionary practices decrease.
That’s why we are identifying the most effective policy and practice solutions
We’re designing solutions based on what we learn from:
Working with local organizations and early childhood professionals
Examining research on root causes for discipline practices that disproportionately affect young Black children
Examining all of the national and North Carolina-focused research available on the policies, supports and practices that truly work
How we do it
To identify the most promising solutions, the Coalition includes five task forces, each with a specific focus area.
Communications Task Force
The Communications Task Force provides feedback, communications support and community engagement expertise for efforts to build public awareness of this issue.
Program and Practice Evaluation Task Force
To build evidence-based, impactful recommendations for North Carolina, the Coalition seeks to understand successful programs and strategies that have come before us.
- The Program and Practice Evaluation Task Force learns alongside five Promising Models that have specific innovative approaches for safe, culturally sensitive and relevant early care and education settings.
- The Task Force is gathering and sharing these learnings about promising direct service model programs and practices in North Carolina and across the country.
Public Policy and Systems Infrastructure Task Force
Transformative public policy that leads to change that North Carolina communities can feel is core to our mission. The Public Policy and Systems Infrastructure Task Force is exploring and recommending the most effective policy solutions that will end the practice of removing children from early care and education settings.
Research and Data Task Force
Data is critical for driving systems-level change, allowing us to understand the scope and impact of this issue and the shared benefits of solving it. The Research and Data Task Force:
- Assesses available North Carolina and national research and data,
- Identifies any important gaps in data and best practices for capturing and
- Reporting that data.
Additionally, this Task Force led the creation of a Coalition logic model that serves as a basis for the strategic direction of the Coalition.
Resources and Support Task Force
The Resources and Support Task Force provides guidance and mentorship to five North Carolina early care and education sites across the state serving as models to create, test and/or evaluate promising practices for addressing suspension, expulsion and exclusionary practices.
Interested in Joining a Task Force?
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